The final, and most advanced, way to customize your site is with the page templates. These are the actual pages that generate the content of the store. If you are familiar with ColdFusion and want to modify or add new layouts for the content of the store, this allows you that kind of control. Only experienced developers should use this feature, and be sure to backup the original files before modifying them!
Category and page templates generally use the prefix ‘catcore_’ to designate them as such. This is not a requirement, just a standard used to make it easier to identify templates throughout the code.
The Category & Page Templates list shows the current assigned templates for your store. Click on Edit to change the details for any template or Add New Template to create a new template you can use for your store. For each template enter the following information:
The store comes with a number of pre-installed templates. These include the following:
A little additional information on parameters and how to use them with your templates. Parameters are entered as a comma delimited list in the form of "aa=bb,xx=yy". These parameter sets will be translated into "attributes.aa = 'bb'" and "attributes.xx = 'yy'" when the page is processed. An interesting result of this is that any variable used in the template such as "displaycount" (the number of items displayed on the page) or any query parameter (hot=1) can be passed as well. Many of the built-in store templates have various parameters that you can set to effect how the page will work.