The shipping methods section is used for all types of custom shipping. This section allows you to offer different shipping service types. You MUST have at least one method turned on or your store will not be able to determine a base shipping cost. If you use multiple methods, the customer will have the option of selecting their choice of shipping when placing their order (and in the shipping estimator if you have it turned on). You can also now designate specific methods as domestic and/or international and they will be offered as such according to the shipping address on the order. Make sure if you wish to ship outside your home country that you designate at least one method/service for international shipping (the same shipping method can be both domestic and international).
From the main screen listing the different shipping methods, you can modify which shipping methods are active (used), and also enter the sort order (Priority) to determine the order to display them. After entering your changes, click the Update Used to save your changes.
To make changes or remove an individual shipping method, click the Edit button next to the method. You can also add new ones by clicking Add Method at the bottom of the page. Enter the following information for each method:
Description – The text to describe this type of shipping, as displayed in the store and to the customer.
Method Cost – This is the amount that you will add to (or multiply by) the shipping cost for this type of shipping. Whether the cost is added or multiplied is determined by the setting in the Custom Shipping Settings.
Priority – The sort order for this shipping method, when displaying more than one shipping method to a customer.
Domestic – Sets this as a method that will be available to customers in your home country.
International – Sets this as a method that will be available to customers outside your home country.
Used – Used to toggle the shipping method on and off.
Click Save to add or update the method, or click Delete if you wish to permanently remove this shipping method.