Once feature reviews are activated, admins with permissions will see information on the admin menu when comments need approval. They can also search and view any of the reviews in the store. The Feature Review Manager has the following search fields available:
1. Feature ID – The feature ID to search for reviews on.
2. Title, Comment Search – Enter a word here to search for in the title or comments of the review.
3. Order By – This determines the sort order for the results if more than one review is found.
4. Editorial – Search for editor (admin) created reviews.
5. Display – This gives you some additional search criteria. Check will find reviews needed to be checked, pending are reviews pending approval, while editor will find ones that need either type of editor review. Day, week and month will find reviews posted within these time frames from the current date.
A link to view All reviews in the system is also provided.
For each review, the following information and links are provided:
1. Review ID – The ID number for the review with a link to go to the Edit screen.
2. Review Info – On the top line is the review’s title, with a link to the review in the store. Below this is the date of the review and the feature article it is about, with a link to the feature page.
3. Date/Rating – On the top line is the date the comment was posted, Below this is the rating given to the article by the customer posting the review.
4. Editorial – Any editor label given to the review.
5. Status – The current status of the review, active, pending or (needs) check.
Click Edit Form to switch to the quick-edit form for making bulk changes to the reviews. You will also be taken to the quick-edit form when you click the Reviews Pending link in the admin menu, with any reviews needing approval or checking pre-selected. This form again lists the reviews with the ID linked to the admin edit form, and a summary of the review with the additional comment text so you can easily check many reviews at once from a single page. This form also provides the following fields you can edit:
Editorial – The editor label for the review, if any. You can use the default labels or add your own under Option Pick Lists.
Approved – Check here to approve the review and post it to the site. If this review already has children, the checkbox will be hidden.
Needs Check – Uncheck this once you have reviewed the comment and approve it.
Clicking the Edit link on either of the list pages will take you to the admin form for editing a review. This is similar to the customer review form, with some additional information and fields. The fields on the admin Edit form are:
Review ID – The system ID for this review. Not editable.
Username – The user that posted the review. You may re-assign the review to another user if you wish.
Anonymous – Select if this review will be displayed as anonymous.
Display Name – If not anonymous, the name to display on the review.
Anon Email – Email address if the review was posted from a user without an account.
Location – The optional entry from the user about where they live.
Title – Title for the review.
Comments – Their detailed comments on the feature. The admin will have the WYSIWYG editor with basic HTML tags. See the guide for information on using the editor.
Rating – Their 1-to-5 star rating of the article.
Date – The original date this review was posted.
Updated – The date this review was last modified.
Approved – Check if the review has been approved and can be posted.
Needs Check – Check if this review is still waiting to be checked.
Click Update to save any changes and Delete to remove this review from the system.