The form for adding features consists of a main information tab, and additional sections for relating the feature to products and/or other features. Only the first tab will be available when adding a new feature. The fields for a feature are as follows:
User – The user adding the feature. Only users with permission for adding features will be displayed.
Type – The type of feature, selected from the picklist for features.
Title – The title of the feature
Author – Author of the feature
Copyright – Any copyright information you wish to display for the feature
Date – Publication date for the feature
Category – Select the category to display this feature in. Features can be assigned to multiple categories. Only categories with a template type that accepts features will be shown in the list.
Display – Manual toggle to turn the feature on and off
Approved – Users with editor permissions can approve the feature to be shown in the store
Start – The start date for publication of this feature. Leave blank to display immediately.
Expire – The end date for publication of the feature. Leave blank if no expiration date.
Priority – The sort order for the feature on the subcategory pages.
Access Key – Sets the access key to use if you wish to protect this feature.
New – Mark the feature as ‘New’
Allow Comments – If feature reviews are enabled, this sets the feature as one that will allow customers to add comments/reviews.
Display Title – For features, you can turn off the title display and link to the content page so as to just show the teaser text of the article on a page, by setting this to ‘No’. See the demo store at for an example of this.
Title Image (Teaser) – A graphic to use for the title of the feature on category pages.
Image (Teaser) – A small image to use along with the title of a feature on category pages.
Teaser Text – The teaser text to display on category pages. With features, if the teaser is left blank, the full text will be displayed instead. See the sample store for some examples of how to use this feature to easily create a regular featured column with archives.
Title Image (Content) – Graphic title to use on the main content page of the feature.
Image or PDF (Content) – Image to display along with the feature title. Alternatively, you can upload a PDF here to use as the content page for the feature.
Text – The main text for the feature. A fully integrated WYSIWYG editor is offered for users to help build their pages. This will not be used if you upload a PDF for the feature. See the guide for information on using the editor.
Parameters – Parameters are used to pass additional settings to your template and can be customized. The default feature template has settings to adjust the text for related features and products.
HTML Title – Custom text to use as the HTML title for this feature page, useful for search engine placement.
Meta Description – A description specific to this feature to be used for search engines; otherwise the default description set up in the Main Settings will be used.
Keywords – Enter the keywords for this feature for search engines; if none are entered the store default will be used. The meta description and keywords will also be used for feature searches.
Custom Palette – Select the palette to use for this feature, by default the palette selected as the default in the Main Settings will be used.
The bottom of the Edit page also has the option to Delete the feature. You will need to confirm the deletion before it is completed.