The Discount Manager shows all discounts currently available in your store, with some search fields to help find specific discounts.
Name – The name of the discount as referred to in the admin area.
Coupon Code – If this is a coupon discount, the code assigned to it.
Access Key – Discounts that require a specific access key to use.
Display – The description of the discount as displayed to customers.
Active – Determines whether the discount is being used currently or not.
Choices for this are:
All – Displays all discounts
Current – Currently active discount
Scheduled – This discount will be active in the future
Expired – The expiration date for this discount has passed
Click the ALL link to view all discounts in the store and the New Discount to create a new discount. The Edit link next to each discount will allow you to make modifications to existing discounts. Enter the following information for each discount:
Type of Discount – This determines how the products will be grouped when calculating the discounts. The options are:
Single-Item Discount – The discount is calculated against each individual item in the order. For instance, if the discount is 10% off if you order 2 or more of any book, and the customer orders 3 of one book and 1 of another, they would receive 10% off the first 3 books only.
Multi-Item Discount – All items that are assigned to the discount are grouped together to apply it. For instance, 10% off all books if you order 2 or more books from the store. It doesn't matter which 2 books they order, they get the discount. So in this case, if the customer ordered 3 of one book and 1 of another, they would receive 10% off all 4 books.
Discount Level – This determines the store level at which you are applying the discount. This can only be set when creating the discount, it cannot be changed for an existing discount.
Product – The discount is specifically assigned to the products you wish to include.
Category– The discount is assigned to a category and will apply to all the products in that category. It will not apply automatically to any subcategories (if any) of the category, so be sure to add the discount to any sub-categories you wish to include.
Storewide – The discount applies to all products in the store.
Order – This discount is a little different because it is always determined by the total amount or number of items in the order. It is also handled separately than other discounts, so that a customer can get both a regular discount, and an order-level discount as well. With all other types of discounts, the store will always calculate the single best discount available for each item, even if multiple discounts apply to that product. The order-level discount is given in addition to any other discounts, based solely on the entire order amount.
User Level – This determines if the discount applies to all customers, or to ones in a specific group. To apply a discount to a specific group, you must be sure to both apply it to the products and/or categories as normal, as well as to the specific user group. It’s a good idea to test your discount first before trying to restrict it to certain user groups.
Name – The name of the discount as it is referred to in the admin area.
Display to Users – The message to display to users in the store for this discount.
Coupon Code – If you wish to require a code to use this discount, enter it here. Note that the discount will not be displayed or applied until the user enters the code in the checkout area. Be sure to also turn on coupons in the Shopping Cart Settings!
One-Time Only – If this setting is on, the store will only allow this discount to be used once. You will need to set a coupon code and set the store to require logins in order for this to work properly.
Access Key – This will require the user to have this access key in order to use the discount. This allows you to create discounts that will only be available to specific groups of users or ones that purchase a membership.
Start – Starting date for this discount. Leave blank if this is not a scheduled discount.
Expire – Expiration date for this discount. Leave blank if this is not a scheduled discount.
Discount Amount – The discount can be either a specific amount off, or a percentage off. Enter only one of these.
Discount Range – You can calculate the discount based on the amount spent, or the specific number of items ordered.
Minimum – Enter the minimum amount or number to order.
Maximum – Enter the maximum amount or number to order. Leave blank if no maximum.