From time to time, you may want to offer your customers special prices and discounts on your products. Or perhaps you want to reward customers that spend a certain amount at your store. You may even want to send out a coupon to bring in new customers or reward special customers in your store. Discounts allow you to do all this and more!
Product promotions work very similarly to discounts with one major difference. With discounts, the sale price is given to the same items that determine the discount. With promotions, you use one group of products to determine if the promotion is given, but a different item actually receives the discount. It might be an additional item of the same product, or a different product altogether. This allows you to create promotions like “Buy 1 get 1 free” or “Buy 2 of item X and receive 50% off item Y”. Between discounts and promotions you can set up a wide range of special sales for your customers!