From the product page, a visitor can step through a number of different screens for viewing product reviews. The product page will have a review summary at the top below the product pricing information. An average rating for the product is shown (star rating) and the number of total reviews that is based on, followed by the links to read the reviews or write a new review.
By default the link to Read Reviews will take the user down to the section of the product page where reviews are displayed. You can change this to direct the user to the page listing all the reviews for the product by modifying the setting in the product/listings/put_orderbox.cfm page (change attributes.putlink from ‘thispage’ to ‘reviews’).
At the bottom portion of the product page, the reviews will be displayed, with a maximum per section as you have set up in the Product Review Settings. First, any editor reviews will be displayed, using the type of editor review as the header. After that will be the customer reviews. The most recent reviews are listed first. If the user viewing the page is a product review admin, they will see links to edit and delete the review. Clicking these will open up an admin window to perform these functions.
If there are more reviews for the product than the maximum allowed per page will allow, a link will be displayed to view all reviews for the product. This Product Reviews page shows the product summary at the top (teaser image, name and short description) along with links to Write a Review and View Details to return to the product details page. A sort is also provided so the visitor can view the reviews by date added (oldest or newest first), rating (highest or lowest first) and helpful rating (most helpful or least helpful first). The reviews are then displayed
When viewing reviews, you can also click on the user’s name (if given) to go to a list of all their reviews. This list will show the title of each review and the product it was for, with the rating and Helpful voting results. The sort is again provided to selectively sort the list.