Select this option from the main Admin Menu to add and edit the standard options in your store to use for products. A list of the current Standard Options available will be displayed and a link to Add Option. You can also search for options by their name, display and required settings. Adding a Standard Option is similar to creating product options. You will be prompted for the number of choices you need for the option. A form will be created for that number of selections. Enter the following information for the option:
Name for the option – This is the name that will be used to refer to the option, both in the Standard Options Manager and when adding product options.
Message to Display – This is the prompt that will be displayed to the user on the option.
Description in Cart – The description to use for the option in the shopping cart. Leave blank if you just want to display the choice selected.
Require a Selection – If set to ‘Yes’ the store will require the customer to select one of the choices for this option. Otherwise, it is optional.
Display in Store – Allows you to toggle this option on and off. Turning off the option will turn it off for all products currently using the option.
Show Price on Selections – These settings are used for how the option will display prices. You can set it to hide prices (usually used if the option does not adjust the price), show the amount added (for instance, +$1, + $2, etc.) or show the total product price with this selection. Generally with the last setting, you would hide the price on the product page as well.
Additionally, you will need to enter the following for each option selection:
Name – The name of the option, displayed on the drop-down list and in the shopping cart and invoice.
Price – This is the amount that will be added to the base price for the product.
Weight – Amount added to the base weight of the product.
Order – The sort order for the option choice. You can leave this blank unless you need to re-order your option choices.
Show? – Used to toggle this specific option choice on and off.
Delete – Check this if you want to delete the option choice. This option will be disabled if the option has orders in the system used for inventory tracking.
Click Add Option to save your settings and add the standard option.
When editing an option, you can change each of these settings, which will then effect all the products currently using the option, and you will be prompted for if you wish to add additional choices to the option.
Deleting an option will remove the option from all products currently using it so be careful when deleting that you really want to do this!