The first tab on the product form is for the main display settings. This is where you enter all the text for the product and determine where and how it will be displayed in your store. The settings on this tab include:
Product ID – This is a system-assigned number for the product. You may need to use it for making direct links to specific products.
Name – The name of the product as it will be referred to in your store. Used for titles if you are not using graphic images as well.
Product Type – What type of product this is. The default settings for the type are:
Product – a normal store product
Membership – used for selling access keys for site content
Download – for downloadable software products
Certificate – used for selling gift certificate codes
Manufacturer – If you have set up any manufacturers in the Accounts section, you can assign one to the product here. The manufacturer’s logo will be displayed on the product detail page.
Display – Used to toggle the product on and off in the store.
Category – The category(s) you wish to display this product in. Products can be assigned to any number of categories, or none at all. In most cases, you will want to assign a category for your product to appear on for normal store browsing. Only categories that have a template type assigned that will accept products will be shown on this list.
Priority - Used for sorting the products on the subcategory pages. 1 is the highest priority, then 2 and so on down. Use 0 or leave blank for no priority setting (default sort).
Access Key – You can assign an access key to the product if you want it to be visible only for specific users.
New – Toggles the product as new.
Sale – Toggles the product as on sale.
Hot – Toggles the product as ‘hot’.
Allow Reviews – Use this to set which products will allow users to add reviews. Generally this is turned off for products types like memberships and gift certificates.
Use for Product of the Day – Use this to set which products can be used for the Product of the Day on the homepage.
Title Image (teaser) - Graphic to use for the product title on category pages.
Teaser Image – Thumbnail product image to display on category pages. This graphic will also be used on the detailed product page if no detail image is uploaded.
Teaser Text – The product description to display on the category pages. This text will also be used on the detailed product page if no detailed text is entered. Also used for other pages such as the sitemap and search results. See the guide for information on using the WYSIWYG editor.
Title Image (detail) – Graphic to use for the product title on the detailed product page.
Detail Image – Full-size product image to display on the detailed product page. If none is entered, the Teaser Image is used. Optionally, you can enter a list of images, which will allow customers to toggle through the different views.
Enlarged Image – You can enter an even larger product image here, which will allow the user to click on the detail image and pop-up a separate window to view even more detail of your product. Please note that you cannot use multiple detail images and an enlarged image on the same product.
Detail Text - The detailed product text. See the guide for information on using the WYSIWYG editor.
HTML Title – Custom text to use as the custom title for this product page, useful for search engine placement.
Meta Description – A description specific to this product to be used for search engines; otherwise the default description set up in the Main Settings will be used.
Keywords – Enter the keywords for this product for search engines, if none are entered the store default will be used. The meta description and keywords will also be used for store searches.
Parameters – Parameters are used to pass additional settings to your template and can be customized. The default product template has parameters to adjust the text for related products and features and the product image gallery.
Custom Palette – Select the palette to use for this product, by default the palette selected as the default in the Main Settings will be used.