Pages are essentially stand-alone pages that are not otherwise part of the hierarchical structure of the store (categories). Many built-in store pages are here, such as the homepage, search engine, shopping cart, etc. You can also create your own pages to be part of the menus, additional pages of content that can be linked to in your product and feature content sections, or even links to external pages. These pages can be used to create a dynamic store menu that you can use in your layouts and control from your admin area. Let’s look at the
two types of pages:
System Pages – These are pages that are included with the software and may not be removed. They often include special store functions and can have parameters entered that will change how they function. The system pages include:
Homepage – the top page of the store. You can set parameters to output the top-level categories, new items, on sale items, not sold items (info only) and/or the product of the day.
Shopping Cart – displays the current items in the shopping cart
Wishlist – displays the user’s wishlist. Be sure to enable wishlists if you are using them!
Gift Registry – link to the gift registry homepage, where users can search, create and edit gift registries. Like wishlists, be sure to enable them in your settings if using this page.
Track Order – This page allows users to track their order using their order number, if you are using UPS, FedEx or USPS shipping methods.
My Account – this is the entry to the user’s area where they can view orders placed, manage their address book, view affiliate and account information, etc.
Contact Us – information for your users on how to contact you for more information, includes an email form for them to use. If you do not wish to use an email form for your contact us page, just create a new page to use instead of the system one.
Sitemap – this page is used not just to create a complete listing of your products and categories, it uses search-engine friendly URLs that will be indexed by all the popular search engines.
Search – the search engine page. Displays a simple keyword search textbox.
Search Results – The results page for the search engine. Should not be linked to directly.
Page Error – The text that displays when a user tries to access a product, category, page, etc. that cannot be found. This is another page used internally that you generally do not link to directly.
Members Only – This page is used when someone accesses a store page they do not have access to. Another page you should not link directly to.
What’s New – Page used to output your highlighted items (new, on sale, not sold).
CVV2 – Used to display help on the card code field for credit card orders.
Receipt – Displays additional text on the customer receipt page, useful for adding BizRate or other post-order information.
User-Created Pages – These are pages you create to use in the store and/or your menus. When adding content to your store, you need to decide whether to use features or pages. In many cases, either will work fine. However, pages cannot be related to a product or feature (although you can manually add links to them in your text descriptions). If you wish to include a feature on the page menu, you need to still set up a pageusing the feature as its link.
Like the Category Manager, the Page Manager has two views. The List View which shows the current pages in the store, with their menu placements, and an Edit View which allows you to change the sort order of the pages on the menus. Click on the Edit link to edit a current page or view to see it in the store. The Add Page link will create a new page. The fields for pages are as follows:
Name in Menu – The name of the page on the menu, and on the list of pages.
Menu Image – If you wish to use graphics for your menus, you can upload an image for the page here.
Shortcut Link – Quick link to reach this page, using the format “fuseaction=page.shortcut”.
Link to URL – By default, the link for the page is ‘index.cfm? fuseaction=page.display&page_id=X’ where X is the ID assigned to the page by the store, or ‘index.cfm?fuseaction=page.shortcut’. You can override this setting by entering a different link for the page, to redirect it to a different store page, or even to an external link. Enter ‘none’ if you don’t want a link for this page (generally used for menu headers).
HREF Attributes – any additional attributes you want to include in the menu link for the page. The most common use of this is to use a target='_blank' to open the link in a new window.
Display in Menu – Sets whether the page link is displayed on the menu
Menu Position – Determines where on the menu this page appears. You can create new menu headers and place pages under them or put everything into one big menu
Priority – Determines the position of each page in its menu. Priority 1 is listed first, then 2 and so on down.
Access Key – You can protect a page with an access key. Please note that this generally is not used for the system pages.
Title on Page – For content pages, this is the title of the page that is displayed at the top of the page.
Title Image – If you wish to use a graphic for the title, upload it here.
Image – An additional image to display with the title
Page Content – The text to display on the page. Please note that if the page redirects to another page with the Link to URL settings, the text is not used, nor the title settings. See the guide for information on using the WYSIWYG editor.
Template – The page template to use for this page (if any). See the section on Category & Page Templates for more information on available templates.
Parameters – Parameters you can set for the page. By default all pages can have the line at the top turned off, other system pages have settings as mentioned above.
Custom Palette – You can assign a custom palette to the page as well.
HTML Title – Custom text to use as the custom title for this page, useful for search engine placement.
Meta Description – You can enter a description specific to this page to be used for search engines; otherwise the default description set up in the Main Settings will be used.
Keywords – Enter the keywords for this page for search engines, if none are entered the store default will be used. The meta description and keywords will also be used for store searches.
The bottom of the Edit page also has the option to Delete the page. You will need to confirm the deletion before it is completed.