Version 6.50 of CFWebstore can be run inside Mura CMS as a drop-in include on a Mura page. To run the software this way, you will need to make some simple changes to the application as follows:
Create a new directory under the “includes” directory for the Mura site you wish to install CFWebstore into. For example, in our Mura install, we have a site called “dogpatch” and we create a directory with the path “dogpatch/includes/store” to hold the CFWebstore install.
Copy all the CFWebstore files into this directory.
Setup the database as instructed in the Database Setup section.
Add a ColdFusion mapping to the CFWebstore “cfcs” directory.
Open the fbx_Settings.cfm file and add the following line after the cfsilent line:
<cfinclude template="config.cfm">
Open the setapp.cfm file and remove the cfapplication line.
Delete the Application.cfm file.
Log into your Mura site and go to the Site Navigator. Add a page for the location you wish to load the store into. For instance, I might add a page called “Store”.
For the content of the page, use the following mura tag, with the location to where you installed your store:
Open the config.cfm file and enter the settings as follows:
Enter the datasource name for the database you created for the Request.DB setting. Add username and password if necessary.
Modify the dbtype and servertype as needed
The StoreURL and SecureURL will be your Mura site URL plus the name of the page you added for the store. For instance: “”