The last main circuit in the store is the users circuit. There are lots of functions in here for the average store user as well as a number of important admin functions. This section controls users and groups and their permissions, accounts, addresses, etc. Let’s take a look at the fuseactions in here:
users.login – A basic login form. The form will be submitted through a secure link (assuming you have installed and configured your secure server) to protect the user’s account information. The user will generally be redirected back to their previous page after logging in.
users.logout – This will log the user out of the system. If the ‘Remember Me’ feature is turned on, it will also delete the cookies to remember the user. Provided as a link on the My Account page and on the login box.
users.loginbox – This is a custom tag that inserts a persistent login/logout box on the site layout. You can pass a parameter to the tag for the type of loginbox to display.
users.purgecookie – Used to verify that the user wants to logout and delete the cookies used to remember them – Custom tag called to output listings of accounts. You can pass a variety of parameters of this tag to filter the listings to show. For instance, the Store Locator page outputs account listings of type ‘retailer’.
users.manager – This calls the My Account page which provides a user with all their user information and allows them to check their orders, update their information and create affiliate and wholesale accounts.
users.register – This is the default registration method. It takes the user step-by-step through the required portions of the registration. In general, most stores will be fine with this registration form, but some other alternatives are available if you need them, according to the type of store you are setting up.
users.newuser – This action is called from the checkout area when the user is creating a new account. It presents the user with a registration form and then returns them to the checkout when it is completed. It can also be used for stores where you do not require customer addresses for users.
users.member – This fuseaction can be used as an alternate registration page. It includes all the registration information on one form (login account, address, credit card, etc.). It can also be used to prompt the user for additional information they still need to enter. See the comments on the dsp_member_form.cfm page for more information on its use.
users.account – Another alternate registration form, this is used for a single-page registration for business accounts. If the user is already logged in, this page is used to create a new account for them. The account form contains a number of fields for accounts that you may not need for your store, these can simply be commented out on the form.
users.forgot – Provides a form where users can enter the email address they registered with and have their username and password emailed to them. This link is provided on the login form.
users.addressbook - Users can create multiple addresses. The address book lists all the users' addresses and allow the user to define which address will be used as the default shipping, billing and account address.
users.address – Displays the form to edit or add customer addresses. Requires the User ID for this address to be linked with. - A form to allow users to update their email address. Provided as a link on the My Account page.
users.unlock – This form is used for unlocking accounts if you are using email verification of accounts.
users.sendlock – Resends the user an unlock link.
users.password - A form to allow users to change their username and/or password. Provided as a link on the My Account page.
users.birthdate – A form to allow users to edit their birthdate. Provided as a link on the My Account page if activated in the User Settings.
users.ccard – The form to enter credit card information to be saved with the user’s account.
users.deleteccard – Deletes the credit card information, from the edit form.
users.subscribe – Toggles the subscribe flag for the user on and off.
users.kill – A useful command when doing custom work and testing on your store, this will log you out of the store completely and clear all session variables.
users.loginAsAnother – runs all the functions to allow administrators to login as regular customers and place orders.
users.admin – The fuseaction for the users administration functions. This fuseaction with no other parameters will display the users admin menu. Like the last two circuits, the users\admin\index.cfm page will check for which additional parameters are being passed and the values of them to determine the action to perform. Let’s take a look at what you can do in here:
users.admin&settings= allows you to modify the User Settings for the store. Various options related to handling users and accounts are available here.
users.admin&user= is used for creating and modifying users. There are a variety of functions available for users:
list, listform, actform – the user list and list edit form
add, edit, act – for creating, modifying and deleting users
loginreport – displays a report of users that have logged in during the last month
users.admin&group= is used for creating and modifying groups. Like the users, you have the list, add, edit and act functions as well as permissions for setting the group permissions.
users.admin&customer= handles the customer address management. Here you have the basic list, add, edit and act functions.
users.admin&account= handles the account management section. Again, you have list, add, edit and act functions here.
users.admin&email= controls the function for sending emails to your users. Actions here include:
select – select the users to send email to
write,send – compose, preview and send the email
users.admin&mailtext= used to add and modify store email templates. Actions include basic list, add, edit, and act functions.
users.admin&download= This runs the function to download your customer addresses to an excel spreadsheet. This function uses the query2excel tag in the customtags directory.