The products circuit controls the display of all your store products. Products are essentially the goods and services that you are offering for sale. The admin section not only takes care of creating and editing products, but also various product-related items such as options, addons, custom fields, etc. There are a variety of custom tags and features found in this section, so let’s take a look at what is available:
product.list -This fuseaction can be called directly or as a custom tag on template pages to produce a list of products. This page also provides the results for product searches. The number of products per page on this is determined by your store setting for max products per page, which can be modified by passing the displaycount parameter when calling this tag. - Displays a form to search products, and displays the results of the search. You can call this as a custom tag on a template page to display the search box. Includes a link to browse by category that will take the user to the category you specific as the product root category in the Main Settings.
product.display – The main fuseaction to display the detailed product information. Requires the Product ID for the item to display. Products are displayed using the dsp_product.cfm template.
product.related - Called as a custom tag to output related products for a product or feature. It require two parameters, the type of item the product is related to, and the ID for that item.
product.productofday – This is generally called as a custom tag on a layout page, and displays a randomly-selected product each day. You can pass a parameter to the tag to specify the type of product layout to use (standard, short or vertical) and/or a category ID to list only products under that parent category.
product.tease – Another useful custom tag to use in your layouts. This is used to output a box of selected “special” products according to the parameters you pass to the tag. You can specify to show highlighted, sale, or hot products, products of a specific type, in a certain category, by a certain manufacturer and also set a limit on the number of products to display. You can enter the title for the teaser box and/or a link to an additional page with more products.
product.qty_discount – This is called as a custom tag from the orderbox page to output the quantity discounts for a product. It requires the Product ID and whether to use wholesale prices or not. It is called by the orderbox template to display the quantity discounts. – Runs the various product review functions. The variable “do” will determine the review function to perform. All the code for running reviews will be found on the product/reviews/index.cfm page.
product.admin – The fuseaction used to run all the product-related admin functions. This fuseaction with no other parameters will display the product admin menu. The product\admin\index.cfm page will check for which additional parameters are being passed and the values of them to determine the action. The options are as follows:
product.admin&do= is used for all the product admin functions. There are quite a lot of admin functions for products. These include:
list,listform,actform – the product list and the list edit form
add,edit,act – for creating and modifying products. Also performs product deletions
copy – creates a copy of the product
price,act_price – updates the product pricing information
info,act_info – processes the product information tab
grp_price – updates the product group pricing information
qty_discounts – updates the quantity discounts for the product
options – displays the product options
addons – displays the product addons
images –product image gallery
related – add or remove related products
froogle – performs the Froogle (Google base) export
googleSiteMap – performs the google site map export
bizrate,bizrate_download – performs the Bizrate export
import,doimport – runs the product import functions
export,export – runs the product export functions
product.admin&option= is used for adding and editing product options. The actions available include:
addcust – add a custom option
addstd,std2 – add a standard option
act,act2 – saves the option information
change – modify a product option
delete – delete a product option
product.admin&addon= is used for adding and editing product addons. The actions available here are:
addcust – add a custom addon
addstd – add a standard addon
act – saves the addon information
change – modify a product addon
delete – delete a product addon
product.admin&stdoption= is used for adding and modifying the standard options available in your store. These include the basic admin functions: list, add, edit, delete, act
product.admin&stdaddon= is used for adding and modifying standard addons. The functions are the same as those available for standard options.
product.admin&fields= is used for updating the custom product fields. The functions here are edit and act.
product.admin&discount= View, add and modify the discounts available in your store.
product.admin&promotion= View, add and modify the promotions available in your store.