The top circuit for the site mainly contains a number of important admin functions, most of which are called using the home.admin fuseaction. This fuseaction with no other parameters will display the full administration menu with whatever sections the user has permissions for. This menu can also be called from This fuseaction also handles additional functions for various site-related functions. These functions include the following: – Used to send site emails for functions like Email a Friend.
home.verity – This will reindex the verity collection for the site. Useful to put into a scheduled task to run each day.
home.senderror – Sends the webmaster email for site errors.
home.nojs – Used to display the error if javascript is disabled and the user is trying to access an admin function.
home.admin&colors=list – Access the color palettes defined for the site. A default color palette is set for the site overall and for individual categories, pages, etc. individually. This is also where you define different layout pages to use.
home.admin&catcore=list – List the category and page templates for the site. This is an advanced function allowing you to create your own template pages for outputting store content.
home.admin&picklists=edit – The picklists appear as options in pull-down selections lists in forms throughout the site. This page allows you to edit the lists.
home.admin&settings=edit – This is the page for the Main Settings of the site.
home.admin&schema=view – Displays the database schema for the store.
home.admin&select=image –Access the image/file manager for selecting and managing images and file downloads
home.admin&error=list – Displays the current list of site errors generated by the error handler.
home.admin&cache=reset – This clear all cached queries and components and resets the application scope. Useful particularly when you are doing any development work on the site, or have made any changes directly to the settings in the database, to reset them on the site.