The Google Base option is available to users with Product Feeds permissions. This allows you to create an export of your store suitable for submitting to Google Base. This is a replacement for the previous Froogle export but conforms to the current standards and allows for additional information to be sent. The Google Base fields are found on the product Info Tab, and additional fields can be added through the Custom Product Fields feature. Clicking the Google Base export link will send down a tab-delimited file of all products with links to images and all the Google Base information as entered for each item. Please note that the Google Base export simply sends the base price on each product, it cannot factor in any additional option or addon prices.
Google Sitemap
This export creates an XML file of the store categories, products and features for use with Google Sitemaps. The links use SES format, so be sure this has been properly configured for your site, and that you have entered your full Store URL in the config.cfm file.
Bizrate Data Feed
Bizrate requires that you submit your products correctly coded using their category numbers. To achieve this, you must first correctly code each of your product categories with corresponding Bizrate category ID. Edit each product category by entering "Bizrate=xx" in the category's parameter field where "xx" is the corresponding Bizrate category ID.
Your feed will include all products in the categories that have a Bizrate entry in the category Parameter field. If a product is placed in more than one category on your site, then the feed may list that product more than once as well.
As with Google Base, the Bizrate export does not separate out items with prices on options or addons, it simply sends the base price.