Accounts serve a number of roles in the store. There are three main types of system accounts: vendors, manufacturers and retailers. You can add additional types of accounts using the Picklists, which can be used just for informational purposes, or for custom coding.
Once again, you have filters and search fields to find specific accounts in the store. The filters available are:
Username – The user this account is associated with.
Account Name – The name of the account, this is how it is referred to in the store and admin area.
Customer ID – The address ID for this account. This is used for packing lists, drop-shipping rates and for the Store Locator page.
Account Type – The type of account. The system-available account types are:
Manufacturer – Used for products, show manufacturer logo on product page
Vendor – Used for drop-shipping. Can assign to products along with additional information used for drop-shipping and to calculate separate shipping rates
Retailer – Used for the Store Locator page (Account Directory), these are suppliers for your products.
Other accounts types you have added to the Picklists will also be available as a choice here.
Directory – Show which accounts are designated to appear on the Store Directory page. Mainly applies to Retailers although you can configure this setting for any account.
The same information will be displayed on the list of accounts, with links to edit the account, associated user and linked address. You also have links to view ALL accounts and create a New Account. The following information will be available when creating or editing the account:
Account ID – The ID assigned to the account by the system
User – The user this account is assigned to, if any
Account Name – The name of the account as it will be referred to in the store
Type – The type of account. This can only be selected when creating the account.
Customer ID – The address used for this account. You will need to create the address under Customer Adddresses and then enter the ID here. This is required for drop-shippers if you wish to calculate shipping rates for them.
Description – Enter any additional information on the account here, will be displayed on the Store Locator page.
Policy – Available for you to enter any information on the store policy for this account
Logo – Graphic to use for the logo of this account. Used on the Store Locator page and on product pages for manufacturers.
Company URL – The homepage for this business.
Store Map – A link to a map for this business, generally used for retailers to show on the Store Locator page.
Rep – Store rep for this account. You can add/edit the store of reps on the Picklists page.
Terms – Available for you to use for terms on this account
Dropship Email – Used for vendors, to send drop-shipping emails
P.O. Note – Additional note to include on purchase orders for this account (used for vendors).
Directory Live – Used to determine if the account will be shown on the Store Locator page. Used for retailers.
You also have a link on the form page to Delete the account. Accounts will not be deleted if they are associated with an order or purchase order as a vendor. The account will still be deleted if it is a manufacturer associated with products, those products will no longer have a manufacturer assigned.