The users in your store can have any number of addresses assigned to their account, to use as billing and/or shipping addresses on their orders. You can also use customer addresses for accounts, to assign to your vendors, retailers etc. as their account address. The Address Manager allows you to search for addresses to use when creating accounts, or to make changes as necessary to your customer/business addresses.
By default, the Customer Address list will show addresses with activity in the last week. You can use the search fields and filters to locate specific addresses:
User – The username this address is associated with. Any portion of the username will match.
Name (first or last) – Enter either the first name or last name on the address listing. Any portion of these names will match.
Company – Enter any portion of the company name on the address record.
Address – Enter any portion of the address for the record. Any portion of the address, address line 2, city, state, zip or country will match.
Phone – Enter the phone number for this address. Any portion of the number will match. Please note that the formatting of the number must match as well.
Email – Enter the email account for this address. Any portion of the email will match.
Last Use After – Enter a date to search for customer accounts that have been used since that date. Invalid date entries will be ignored.
Links are also available to view ALL customer addresses as well as Recent activity. You also have a link to create a New Customer Address.
The same information as the search fields is displayed for each address on the List View. You also have links to edit the address and the associated user account. The form to edit or add an address includes the following:
Customer ID – The ID assigned by the system to this address.
Username – The user this address is associated with
First Name – First name of the person this address is for
Last Name – The last name for the address
Company – The company name at the address
Address – Street address
Address Line 2 – Additional street address
City – City
State/Province – Select the state for the address. This will be available to admins even if it is disabled for your store, as are the State free-entry textbox, and country list.
Other State – Enter the state here if not available on the state list.
County – If any entered for the state, the county for the address.
Zipcode – The zip or postal code for the address.
Country – The country for this address.
Phone – The phone number at the address.
Other Phone – Additional phone number for the address.
Fax – Fax number at the address
Email – Email of the customer at the address
Residential – If this is a residential versus business address
You also have a link on the form to Delete the address. The address cannot be deleted if it is currently being used on an order in the system. The system will allow addresses to be removed even if they are being used by a user or an account, so be certain that you do not need the address before deleting it.