This is the screen used for filling an order and sending the customer an email regarding their order status. It is accessed from the Fill button on the Order Details screen or from the In-Process tab. The following information is available:
Order No – Displays the order number you are filling.
Order Date – The date the order was placed.
Customer – The customer that placed the order. You can click on their name to send an email in your default email program.
Send Email – This determines if the store will send the customer an email notifying them that the order has been shipped.
Shipper – The shipper for the order.
Tracking Numbers – Enter a comma-separated list of tracking numbers here. The email to the customer will include these tracking numbers as well as the link for the shipper’s tracking page. Leave blank if you do not wish to included tracking information
Additional Notes – You can enter additional notes to include in the email to the customer.