The last thing displayed on the order details screen is the drop shipping information and purchase orders. You will need Order Editing permissions to access this area, and will need Drop-shipping permissions to make any actual edits to the purchase orders. Any current purchase orders assigned to the order will be listed and any waiting to be created manually (if for instance, you modified an order and added a drop-shipper to an item). You should have one purchase order for each drop-shipper on the order. Click Open Purchase Order to manually create the purchase order. This will take you to the Purchase Order screen where you can edit or add any information to the purchase order after opening it.
For purchase orders that already are open, the following will be available:
PO Number – The currently assigned purchase order number. By default this will be the order number, plus a number for each purchase order on that order, i.e. 1024-1, 1024-2, 1024-3, etc.
Date – Date the purchase order was opened.
Status – The current status of this purchase order.
Edit – This link will take you to the Purchase Order Status Screen where you can update the PO status, change the PO number, add notes, etc.
View/Print – Opens up a new window with the purchase order, suitable for printing.
Fill – This link will take you to the screen for Filling Purchase Orders. You can send shipping and tracking information to the customer, change the status, add notes, etc.