Product reviews allow your customers to rate and leave comments about the products in your store. You will be able to set the requirements for posting reviews and moderate and approve posted reviews. The first set is to configure the main settings for reviews by clicking Product Review Settings on the admin menu. This option will only be available if you have Product Review admin permissions. The following options will be available to configure reviews:
Use Product Reviews – This is the main setting to turn reviews on in your store. No product review options or other admin links will be viewable until this has been turned on.
Approval Required – If this is turned on, reviews will not be posted live to the site until an admin has read and approved them.
Check Reviews – Generally used as an alternative to Approval Required, this setting will flag all new reviews so the admin can still review them, however new reviews will be posted immediately to your site.
Who Can Write a Review – This determines what kind of user can write reviews. You can set this to anyone, which allows any visitor to your site to add reviews (generally not recommended unless you have approval required), Registered Users which will allow only logged in users to add reviews, Verified Users, which will require a login and a verified email address (you generally will want to turn on email verification in your user settings for this) and Purchasers to only allow customers who have purchased an item to review it.
Login Required to Rate – This setting determines which users can rate reviews as helpful (or not). If left off, a basic IP comparison will be used to prevent multiple votes.
Reviews Per Product Page – This determines the number of reviews to show on the main product page. The customer will be given a link to a “Reviews” page to view any additional reviews. This does not include any editor-tagged (admin) reviews.