This section provides customer information for the order. The following information/actions are available here:
Email Customer – This will open up the admin email form page, with the customer’s email pre-selected.
Email Ship To – If the order has a separate shipping address, this button will be available, to allow you to send an email to the shipping account, using the admin email function.
User Summary – For non-guest orders, this takes you to the User Summary screen when you can view and edit all user information and view previous order history.
Print Invoice – Pops up a separate window displaying the invoice suitable for printing.
Bill To – The customer’s billing information. If you have access to the user admin area, you can click Select to select a different address from the customer’s address book or Edit to make changes to the address.
Ship To – The customer’s shipping information. If you have access to the user admin area, you can click Select to select a different address from the customer’s address book or Edit (if an address was entered) to make changes to the current shipping address.
Comments – Displays the comments entered by the customer on their order.
Giftcard – Displays a giftcard message entered by the customer, if any.
Delivery Date – Displays the requested delivery date for the order, if any.
Coupon – Shows the coupon used on the order, if any.
Gift Certificate – Shows the gift certificate used on the order, if any.
Affiliate – If referred by an affiliate, displays their information and the referring URL.
Custom Fields – If you use custom checkout fields, any information entered by the customer for them is displayed here as well.