The final tab of the Order Manager is the Reports section. A variety of store reports are available to give you information on your orders. Choose the date range you would like to view and select from the following list of reports:
Sales Summary – Basic sale totals for your store
Product Totals (by ID) -The total units sold and amount collected for each product, sorted by the Product ID.
Product Totals (by SKU) – Same as product totals, but used if you have SKUs assigned to product options or wish to sort by SKU number.
Top Products by Quantity (by ID) – Displays the top 50 selling products for the date range, according to the number of items sold per each product ID.
Top Products by Quantity (by SKU) – Same as Top Products by Quantity but used if you have SKUs assigned to product options or wish to sort on SKU.
Top Products by Total Sales (by ID) – Displays the top 50 selling products for the date range, according to the sales amount for each Product ID.
Top Products by Total Sales (by SKU) – Same as Top Products by Total Sales, but used if you have SKUs assigned to product options or wish to sort by SKU.
Sales Tax Report – Shows the amount of tax collected for the date range for each tax code. Taxes are broken into state/local (displaying the state and local tax amounts for each state), county (displaying the county and state for any county tax collected) and country taxes. Any tax collected for all users will be displayed separately.
Affiliate Sales –Calculates the total amount of orders referred by an affiliate, and the amount they earn according to their assigned percentage. Affiliate sales are only calculated on orders that have been marked as filled and the date range is set according to the date filled, not the date ordered. This is done for two reasons. First, it is assumed that you would only pay affiliates for an order that has made it through to completion. Second, this allows you to retrieve a specific date range of orders without having to deal with orders that might be in process and then filled at a later date.
Coupon Totals - This is used if you have set up any coupon-based discounts and wish to see a summary of orders placed using the coupon/s. For all coupons, the coupon code will be displayed and the number of orders using that coupon. For order-based discounts, the order subtotal, amount discounted, and net sales will also be shown. For product discounts, the number of discounted items, amount of those items sold, discount amount and net sales will be shown. For promotions, the number of promotional items given or discounted is shown with the total discounted amount received by promotions.
From any report screen you have the option to Select a New Report or Print this Report which will open a separate window with a printable version of the report.