The search orders tab is used to search and view orders regardless of their status. This is useful if you need to find an order but are not sure of its status or wish to find orders with other specific criteria. The Search tab has many of the same search fields as the filled order tab, with some exceptions. The search fields include:
Order Date From – Select the starting date for the orders you wish to search.
Order Date To – Select the ending date for the orders you wish to search. Unlike the Filled Orders tab, the date fields will always be applied when searching, so be sure to select an appropriate date range here.
Order No – Enter an order number to view that particular order.
User ID – Enter a user ID to view all orders for that user.
Customer – Enter the customer’s first, last or company name to view their orders.
Product ID – Enter a product ID here to find all orders that included this product.
Affiliate – Enter an affiliate ID to find orders linked to that affiliate.
Status – This allows you to also filter the search by a specific order status.
A link is also provided to show ALL orders in the system.
The information displayed for the orders is as follows:
Order No – The order number for this order. Click on this link to view the Order Details screen.
Order Date – The date the order was placed.
Customer – The customer that placed the order. If you have user admin permissions, you can click on the customer name to view their user summary page.
Order Summary – Shows the number of unique products and total items purchased on this order.