The PO/Dropship screen is where you can manage all the current purchase orders that have been created for your drop shippers. While most of the information and actions available here can be performed from the individual order details pages, this section allows you to find all your purchase orders easily and manage them from one place. You can manually create purchase orders, or by using the options on the Shopping Cart Settings and the vendor options on the Product Pricing tab, you can automatically generate purchase orders for your vendors and email them a packing slip as well. The PO screen allows you, or your vendors, to view purchase orders, fill the orders, email tracking information to the customer, add notes, etc.
Once again, you have some search fields to help you locate your purchase orders.
Order No – The order number the purchase order is linked to.
Account – The vendor account for the purchase order(s).
Date Created – The date the purchase order was created. This might be the date you generated the purchase order, or the date it was created according to the order being placed, processed or filled. This date field uses a special format. Enter just the year to find all orders for a particular year (i.e. 2004). Enter the year then the month to find all orders for a specific month (i.e. 2004-02). Finally, enter the year, then the month, then the day to find orders filled on a particular day (i.e. 2004-02-01).
Status – The status of the purchase order. You can modify the choices for status using Picklists.
Date Shipped – The date the PO was marked as shipped. The date field uses the same format as the Date Created field.
Open – Allows you to search for open or closed purchase orders. By default, only open purchase orders are shown.
As with other tabs, you also have a link to show ALL purchase orders.
The information shown for each purchase order is as follows:
Purchase Order No – The purchase order number, by default this will be the order number, plus a number for each purchase order on that order, i.e. 1024-1, 1024-2, 1024-3, etc. You can click on the PO order number to go to the Purchase Order status screen.
Order No – The order number for the purchase order. You can click on the order number to go to the Order Details screen.
Account – The vendor assigned to this purchase order. If you have access to the user administration area, you can click on the vendor name to view/edit their account information.
Date Created – The date the purchase order was opened.
Status – Current status of the purchase order.
Date Shipped – If this purchase order has been filled, the date will be displayed here.
Fill – Click on this link to take you to the screen to fill a purchase order. You can email the customer with tracking information, mark the PO as closed, add notes, etc.
View – Clicking on this link will open up a new window with the packing list for the purchase order, suitable for printing.
Purchase Order Status Screen
The purchase order status screen is used to make changes to the purchase order information and status. The following information is available:
Order No – The order this purchase order is linked with.
Account – The vendor assigned to this purchase order.
Purchase Order No – The purchase order number, you can enter your own number here.
PO Date – The date the purchase order was opened. You can change this date if you wish.
Open – You can set a purchase order as open or not. By default, the PO/Dropshipping tab only shows open POs.
Status – The status of the purchase order. This will be set to emailed if you are using automatic notifications, you can manually add other statuses using Picklists.
Notes – You can enter any additional notes on the purchase order here.
Filling Purchase Orders
This form is used for filling a purchase order and sending shipping information to the customer. The following fields are available on this page:
Purchase Order – The purchase order number
Account – The vendor assigned to this purchase order
PO Date – The date the purchase order was created
Order – The order number linked to this purchase order
Customer – The customer that placed the order. A link to the customer’s email is provided.
Send Email – This determines if the store will send the customer an email notifying them that the items have been shipped.
Shipper – The shipper for the purchase order.
Tracking Numbers – Enter a comma-separated list of tracking numbers here. The email to the customer will include these tracking numbers as well as the link for the shipper’s tracking page. Leave blank if you do not want to include tracking information.
Additional Notes to Customer – You can enter any additional text you wish to include in the email to the customer.
Keep PO Open – Usually you will want to close the PO once it is filled. You can check this to leave the PO open.
Status – The status of the purchase order.
Notes – Enter any additional notes on the purchase order here.